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This information is not official. Pick up the latest handbook at the CEES Office for official info.

    Carson Engineering Center
    202 West Boyd Street, Room 334
    Norman, Oklahoma 73019-0631
    (405) 325-5911


ASCE Student Chapter Advisor - Baxter E. Vieux, CEC 301C
Chi Epsilon Advisor - Bruce W. Russell, CEC 320
ESSA Advisor - Robert W. Nairn, CEC 327D


The mission of the School of Civil Engineering and Environmental Science is to provide a high-quality educational experience for undergraduate and graduate students in the areas of environmental, geotechnical, transportation, and structural engineering and environmental science. The educational experience is accomplished through innovative classroom instruction aided by computer and multimedia-based instruction, laboratory experiences and student mentoring. The products of this experience are engineers and scientists capable of critical thinking, devoted to a lifetime of learning, and highly sought after by employers.

Program Objective #1: Graduates will be technically competent in core areas within civil and environmental engineering and related sciences and mathematics.

Program Objective #2: Graduates will be able to work within a team and communicate effectively.

Program Objective #3: Graduates will be able to synthesize diverse information to develop creative design solutions.

Program Objective #4: Graduates will be able to function within an evolving engineering profession.


What is an environmental scientist? What kinds of a job can I get with this degree? Where will I work? What will I actually be doing? These are the questions most often asked by students entering the Bachelor of Science in Environmental Science (B.S.E.S) degree program

The B.S.E.S. at the University of Oklahoma is a broad-based degree program, with a firm foundation in mathematics, physics, chemistry, and biology. This strong base enables graduates to continue their studies in graduate school or to go on to exciting careers in environmental protection, such as solid and hazardous waste management, air and water quality management, hazardous materials management, and occupational health and safety. For 30 years, the School of Civil Engineering and Environmental Science (School of CEES) has been preparing recipients of the B.S.E.S. degree for employment opportunities in local, state, and federal government, private industry, consulting firms, and education. Graduates of the program are currently employed by the United States Environmental Protection Agency, the Oklahoma Department of Environmental Quality and the Oklahoma State Department of Health, engineering consulting firms, and the University of Oklahoma. Highly qualified undergraduate students may continue their environmental science education at the University of Oklahoma in the accelerated BS/MS degree program in Environmental Science. With careful choice of elective courses, the B.S.E.S. can meet the requirements for an approved pre-medical program. Students who plan to apply to medical school should contact their E.S. advisor and the Pre-Medical Professions Advising Office early in the degree program.

The day-to-day activities of the environmental scientist will vary with employer, specific job title, educational background, and geographical location. Graduates may find themselves collecting and analyzing air, water, or soil samples, conducting compliance investigations, assisting companies in writing discharge permits, or addressing public meetings on local environmental problems.

Intrinsic remediation of petroleum-contaminated soils and sediments, release of antibiotics and pharmaceuticals into watersheds, using wetlands for passive treatment schemes, National Pollution Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) and National Emissions Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants (NESHAPS) permits, changing solid and hazardous waste disposal requirements, risk assessment to determine soil cleanup levels, recycling of used tires....these are some of the environmental problems currently addressed by environmental scientists. The strong scientific foundation of the B.S.E.S. degree will enable graduates to effectively identify and find solutions for the environmental problems of the 21st century.


When you enroll in the School of CEES, we will appoint a faculty member to serve as your advisor. Routine advising is conducted during group advising (see 3.0 Student Advising and Advance Registration). If you have a question regarding a specialty area within the School of CEES, you are encouraged to discuss the matter with a faculty member in that discipline. You should assume the primary responsibility for planning a coherent academic program that achieves your educational objectives and satisfies the requirements for graduation.

Students graduating from the School of CEES must meet a number of criteria. The requirements for the Bachelor of Science in Environmental Science (131 hours) are located at the back of this booklet. In order to graduate, you must successfully complete 131 semester hours (plus language requirement if applicable), with a minimum retention grade point average of 2.00 in: all University of Oklahoma courses; all courses taken anywhere; all major (at OU & combined) courses; and all courses required for the bachelor of science degree. In addition, you must have a minimum C grade in every required and elective course taken for your degree.

You must be admitted to the College of Engineering in order to enroll in all Civil Engineering and Environmental Science courses numbered 3XXX or greater, as well as in English 3153 (Technical Writing). For College of Engineering admission requirements, refer to "Policy on Admission of Undergraduate Students" in the current OU General Catalog.

It is your responsibility as a student to follow the course requirements for graduation, but your advisor will help you based on his/her knowledge at the time of each advising conference. Advisors can assist you in optimizing your learning experiences at OU. Failure to follow the advisor's recommendations can prolong the time required to earn a degree and result in probation and suspension. Your advisor has the you in optimizing your learning experiences at OU. Failure to follow the advisor's recommendations can prolong the time required to earn a degree and result in probation and suspension. Your advisor has the authority to withhold his/her approval if your selection of courses is inappropriate or unwise. Remember that both course and grade prerequisites are necessary for every course.

2.1 Accelerated BS/MS Environmental Science Degree

The School of Civil Engineering and Environmental Science offers an accelerated BS/MS Environmental Science degree program. To be accepted into the program, students must apply to the program two semesters prior to graduation, and have a GPA of 3.2 or better in the B.S.E.S. curriculum at the time of application. This option is not available to students transferring in beyond junior standing in Environmental Science, or available retroactively to students already admitted to the graduate program. Students will have to meet requirements for admission to Graduate College, and will have to complete a thesis. If a student is admitted to the program, two technical electives taken in the senior year, selected from CEES offerings of 5000-level courses with advisor's approval, will be applied to the Master's degree. These courses, in which a grade of B or better must be earned, must be taken after admission to the Accelerated program. See your advisor for additional requirements.

2.2 Engineering Advising Center

The Engineering Advising Center, Carson Engineering Center, Room 104, assists students with the following matters:

  • retention

  • transfer equivalencies (for lower division courses)

  • repeat/forgiveness policy

  • General Education questions

  • which curriculum is appropriate

  • petitions to add/drop

  • suspension petitions

  • complete withdrawal

  • A/DA corrections/updates

  • graduation verification

  • general OU policy information

  • general assistance if you don't know where to go

2.3 Transfer Students

Students transferring into the ES program may notice that the A/DA (advising/degree audit, a computerized form from Engineering Advising Center ) has placed courses into a category at the end called "excess coursework." It is very likely that some of this coursework can be applied towards your degree. You will need to meet individually with your advisor to discuss approval of transfer coursework. Note that any changes must be approved by the advisor on the blue sheet. You will need to fill out an A/DA Correction Form (green sheet) so that the Engineering Advising Center can make these corrections. Please be patient, since it takes time for these changes to appear on the A/DA.

2.4 Graduating Seniors

Graduating seniors should visit the Engineering Advising Center for TWO (2) graduation checks: one in the semester BEFORE you plan to graduate; and one EARLY in the semester you plan to graduate. In addition, you must schedule and attend an exit interview with Director of the School of CEES, towards the end of your last semester.


Graduating seniors should visit the Engineering Advising Center for TWO (2) graduation checks: one in the semester BEFORE you plan to graduate; and one EARLY in the semester you plan to graduate. In addition, you must schedule and attend an exit interview with the Director of the School of CEES, towards the end of your last semester. If you have been admitted to the College of Engineering, meet current retention standards, and have no unpaid fines, overdue books, parking tickets, etc., you will be allowed to go through advance registration. Advance registration for Fall and Summer is held during the preceding Spring semester, and advance registration for the Spring Semester is held during the preceding Fall semester. With a few exceptions, advance registration is conducted according to classification and in varying alphabetical order of students' last names. (See Class Schedule for details.)

Prior to advance registration, all students must meet with their advisor. Proceed in the following steps to go through registration:

  1. Before meeting with your advisor, be sure to pick up your computer output (A/DA) and blue sheet from the Engineering Advising Center.

  2. Write out your proposed schedule on a blank schedule, being sure to check for conflicts and prerequisites/corequisites. (Refer to the general information elsewhere for specific requirements.) Remember that a minimum C grade is required for prerequisites.

  3. Make an appointment with your advisor. After the faculty advisor approves your proposed schedule, copy it onto the blue sheet in your packet from the Engineering Advising Center. Have the advisor sign the blue sheet. You will then be able to exchange your blue sheet for a registration form at the Engineering Advising Center. If you anticipate any conflicts or course closings, be sure to write down several alternate courses. This way, any approvals or signatures needed in the future can be obtained from the Engineering Advising Center.

  4. If you need special permission for a CEES class, a special permission slip (pink) is completed by the faculty advisor and/or the professor teaching the course. (Permission for English 3153 may be obtained in the Engineering Advising Center.)

  5. Faculty advisors no longer sign the registration forms. As explained above in Step 3, return your records to the Engineering Advising Center to receive your registration slip. Proceed to enrollment at your assigned time.


The Bachelor of Science in Environmental Science degree requires two environmental science electives and three "track electives". Environmental science electives include any course in CEES numbered 3000 or higher. Suggested environmental science electives are listed in Table 1.

Table 1. Suggested Environmental Science Electives.

Courese No.


ES 4473

Soil Science

ES 5253

Environmental Administration / Law

ES 5653

Industrial Hygiene

ES 5913

Risk Assessment

ES 6210

ES Special Topics (Requires pink slip and 3.0 GPA)

CE 5263

Hazardous Waste Management and Toxicology

CE 5600

Environmental Quality Management Field Training

CE 5633

Urban Environmental Systems

CE 5803

Solid Wastes Systems Planning

CE 5833

Ground Water Quality Protection

CE 5863

Environmental Impact Assessment

CE 5923

Air Pollution Control/Engineering

CE 5020/042

Air Quality Management

CE 5020

Environmental Organic Chemistry

CE 5020

Environmental Instrumental Analysis

Because of university regulations and CEES policy, certain restrictions apply in selecting environmental science electives. Courses at the 6000-level may only be taken by undergraduates under special conditions (grade point average and special permission). Undergraduate students at the senior level may take 5000-level courses with permission. Be sure to get a pink slip, have the appropriate person (professor, advisor) sign it, and have it stamped in the CEES office before you go to enrollment if this is your planned course of action.

Prior to enrolling in any track elective course, environmental science students must select a degree track from among the following four options: biology, chemistry, math/physical sciences, and policy. Choice of an environmental science degree track should be made after careful consideration of a student's interests and career plans and in consultation with the student's advisor. Upon choosing a degree track, a student may choose to change their advisor to a faculty member who can best advise them on course selection for their chosen degree track.

Prior to enrolling in their first track elective course, students must, in consultation with their advisor, plan the three track elective courses that they will take. Track electives must be chosen from the courses listed under the selected degree track in Table 2, or, with approval of their advisor, from relevant classes offered in other departments at the University of Oklahoma. Students may change their planned track electives with the permission of their advisor. In planning their degree program, students should be aware that many track electives listed in Table 2 have prerequisite courses, and that many are offered only in certain semesters. Thus, advance planning, typically no later than the start of the junior year, is needed to ensure that students will be able to complete their degree in a timely manner. It is not necessary to complete the environmental science and track elective courses during the semesters listed on the flow charts and program requirement course list shown at the back of this handbook-students may want to change this sequence of elective courses depending on the semesters in which their chosen classes are offered.

Table 2. Track Electives for Bachelor of Science in Environmental Science Curriculum

Biology Track Electives

Chemistry Track Electives

Math/Physical Sciences Track Electives

Policy Track Electives

BOT/ZOO 3333/3342

CHEM 3153/3152

MATH 2433

PSC 4213

BOT 3453/3451

CHEM 3214

MATH 2443

ECON 3113

BOT 4115

CHEM 3423/3421

MATH 3113

ECON 4373


CHEM 3523/3521

MATH 3413

ECON 4853


CHEM 3653

MATH 4033

ECON 4873


CHEM 3753

MATH 4073

RCPL 4003


CHEM 4023/4033

MATH 4783

PHIL 3293

MBIO 4853

CHEM 4333

MATH 4793

COMM 3483

ZOO 3013

CHEM 4503

GEOL 3114

COMM 3513

ZOO 3104

CHEM 4753

GEOL 3123

COMM 4513

ZOO 4462/4472


GEOL 3633

GEOG 3563

ZOO 4913


GEOL 4633



The University of Oklahoma General Education Requirements mandate that students take two courses (6 credits) in social science (Core Area III) and four courses (12 credits) in humanities (Core Area IV). The humanities requirement consists of one course (3 credits) in understanding artistic forms, two courses (6 credits) in western civilization and culture, and one course (3 credits) in non-western culture. Furthermore, according to the State Regents' ruling, one of the social science courses must be Political Science 1113 (Government of the United States), and the western civilization and culture courses must include either History 1483 (United States, 1492-1865) or History 1493 (United States, 1865 - present). The four courses (12 credits) that are taken to meet the remaining requirements must have been approved by the University of Oklahoma, and are listed in the class schedule book each semester. In addition, it is a College of Engineering requirement that at least 6 of these 12 hours be upper division courses (3000- or 4000-level). Please consult with Engineering Advising Center for more information.

5.1 Foreign Language Requirements

To satisfy the OU General Education Requirements, non-international students must successfully complete two years of the same foreign language in high school or a two-semester sequence of a single language (such as Chinese, French, German, Greek, Hebrew, Italian, Japanese, Latin, Russian, Spanish, Arabic, and American Indian Languages) in college.

An international student who graduates from a secondary school in which the language of instruction was not English has satisfied the language requirement through passing the TOEFL exam for admission to OU. An international student who graduates from a secondary school in which the language of instruction was English must meet the foreign language requirement of non-international students. Transcripts documenting foreign language study or an advanced standing exam must be presented for completion of the general education foreign language requirement.


Several scholarship opportunities are available to environmental science undergraduates, including entering freshman. Scholarships typically are awarded both for potential academic ability and financial need. Scholarships are awarded by the school, alumni, local consulting firms, and private industry. In addition to the scholarships offered by the School of CEES, students may qualify for other forms of financial assistance, including tuition fee waivers, direct student loans, university scholarships, work- study, and coop programs with Oklahoma firms and government agencies. The College of Engineering has several scholarships with yearly stipends of $500 to $1500 available for academically gifted or minority students.

The Dean's Office has a number of scholarships that are listed in A Guide to Scholarships & Financial Aid available from Prospective Student Services at the University of Oklahoma. There are also scholarships based on ACT or SAT test scores that are available to either incoming freshman or transfer students. For further information regarding general scholarships, call Prospective Student Services.

The Office of Financial Aid, The University of Oklahoma, 731 Elm Avenue, Norman, OK 73019-0230, can provide information on the national Direct Student Loan Program, the Guaranteed Loan Program, the University Work-Study Program, and additional programs and opportunities. Whether or not they are eligible for the Work-Study Program, students can obtain assistance in finding part-time jobs on the campus by applying to the Personnel Service Office, 905 Asp Avenue, Norman, OK 73019-0420.

Scholarship recipients should be aware of the School of CEES Policy on Scholarship Recipient Obligations (dated December 1994). This policy requires written acknowledgements to the sponsor, and participation in the annual scholarship luncheon and professional activities. Please obtain and familiarize yourself with the policy.


Student groups provide an excellent opportunity to supplement classroom education through contact with faculty, practicing environmental scientists, and your fellow students.

7.1 Environmental Science Student Association (ESSA)

ESSA, which was established in 1992, is an independent organization of undergraduate environmental science students. Its major purpose is to invite speakers from academia, government, and industry to provide both technical perspectives on environmental problems, and career guidance. In addition, it provides networking opportunities for environmental science students, who usually do not take ES classes until their junior year, and consequently often don't meet their peers until the third year of the program. Other activities include placement of newspaper recycling bins in Carson Engineering Center, organization of the first Environmental Fair at a local mall to bring current environmental issues to area residents, and field trips to the Oklahoma Department of Environmental Quality laboratories. For more information, contact the Chapter Faculty Advisor, Dr. Robert Nairn (CEC 327A).

7.2 Engineers' Club

The Engineers' Club fosters the high ideals of the engineering profession, stimulates interest in School and College Activities, and develops professional awareness and leadership qualities. Activities of the Engineers' Club include organization of the OU Engineers' Week activities and Engineering Open House.

7.3 Society of Black Engineers (SBE)

SBE shares many of the same goals and objectives as the Engineers' Club, while directing attention to the problems and needs of black students.

7.4 Society of Women Engineers (SWE)

SWE is a technical society with the objective of encouraging women who have chosen to study engineering. Through speakers, discussions, and field trips, members are able to examine professional issues and challenges particular to women. Membership is open to both men and women.


The following information is provided to help you in planning your coursework, and is not intended to be exhaustive. Check the current edition of the General Catalog, and please bring any discrepancies to the attention of Dr. Nelson. This information presupposes that you are enrolled in the current curriculum; if necessary, please see Engineering Advising Center to update to this curriculum.

Online Curriculum Sheets

8.1 Sequences

  1. Chemistry-several options for entry, then take CHEM 1315, CHEM 1415, CHEM 3053, CHEM 3153, ES 4114

  2. Mathematics-math placement test, then take MATH 1823, MATH 2423

  3. Physics-MATH 1823, PHYS 2514, PHYS 2524 or 2424

  4. Zoology/Microbiology-ZOO/BOT 1114, CHEM 3053, ZOO 3403 and MBIO 3815

  5. Environmental Science-ES 3313 is a prerequisite to all CEES courses

8.2 Prerequisites

  1. ENGR 1112-requires MATH 1523 or equivalent

  2. GEOL 1114-requires high school chemistry, algebra, and trigonometry

  3. ENGL 3153-MBIO 3815 as a (corequisite)

  4. ES 3313-requires MATH 2423, PHYS 2524 or 2424, CHEM 3053

For more information please contact:

Carson Engineering Center
202 West Boyd, Room 334
Norman, Oklahoma 73019-0631
(405) 325-5911


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