Heterogeneous Catalytic  Reactor Design Projects


Individual Projects (all three parts individual work, e.g. take home exam rules)


Industrial Catalytic Reaction Processes

(example: methanol synthesis)


(not yet updated for 2006!)

Initial Selection: October

Brief Literature summary, Due: October

Assignment I.  Kinetics Analysis  Due: November  zz, 10 % of course grade

Find an appropriate kinetics and equilibrium, conduct simulations and analyze the effect of different variables (temperatures and partial pressures, etc.) on the rate, equilibrium, etc.

Assignment 2. Catalyst Design. Design the catalyst particles, based on the literature.  Due: November yy, 10 % of course grade

Conduct calculations for film and interparticle gradients under commercial operating conditions.

Final Project 3. Design an appropriate reactor for commercial operation, accounting for temperature effects, pressure drop, flow pattern. Due December  xx , 20% of course grade