Calibration Chamber

Unsaturated Soil Mechanics Laboratory

UPDATE: 3/24/2004



In traditional soil mechanics, much research has been done on water-saturated soil and dry soil. Recently, more focus has been placed on unsaturated soil, which involves the soil zone above the ground water table. It is important to note that the behavior of unsaturated soil is not consistent with the principles and concept of traditional saturated soil mechanics. The differences in the behavior and characteristic between saturated and unsaturated soils have become a concern in geotechnical field.

Cone penetrometer (CPT) and Pre-bored Pressuremeter (PMT) have become a popular in situ testing device for subsurface exploration in United States. Both instruments are capable of giving estimates of in situ soil properties such as undrained shear strength, friction angle, and modulus of elasticity for the design of various foundations. Most of the developed methods to interpret the CPT and PMT results are focused on saturated soil. However, it is often that during testing layer of unsaturated soil is encountered. Since the behavior of unsaturated soil is different from saturated soil, there exist a need to develop a method to interpret CPT and PMT results for unsaturated soil. In order to develop a new method to interpret the CPT and PMT results for unsaturated soil, significant test results are needed. Although, in situ test results can be obtained economically and easily, they are not practical for the development of the method to interpret the CPT and PMT results in unsaturated soil, as there were lack of data and control on the field boundary conditions. All the uncertainties and limitations involved with in situ testing such as heterogeneity of soil, unknown stress history, and stress state of soil further complicate the analysis involve. In the past, calibration chambers has been used to aid in the process of developing the correlation of many in situ testing devices results on saturated soil with different soil parameters. Therefore, calibration chamber is one alternative to overcome all the uncertainties and limitation involves with the test results from in situ testing. Calibration chamber can be used for calibrating CPT and PMT under controlled environment, where data collected can be used to develop the empirical correlation. Miller and Muraleethatan (1998) has conducted preliminary pressuremeter testing in unsaturated soil bed compacted in a rigid wall calibration chamber and the results obtained seem to be promising


This material is based upon work supported by the National Science
Foundation under Grant No. 9813137

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of the National Science Foundation.